Last week Barry was invited to go onto Dubai Eye to discuss the ongoing screen time debate. Screens have become such a big part of our children’s daily lives (ours too as adults) that the question is often raised about how much is too much?

This amongst other things related to the digital sphere were discussed by Helen, Barry and Therese, all parents with children of differing ages. They discussed topical stories in the press and answered SMS messages coming in from listeners around social media usage, appropriate ages for specific platforms and screen time.

Listen in here

Something that wasn’t discussed in too much detail was the fact that this topic will very soon become moot. We live in a digital world and the reality is that screens are everywhere. The act of picking up a small brick shaped device and tapping on it is not natural for humans. Certainly not as natural as speaking or physical action. The augmented reality and virtual reality powered world we are moving towards means that most surfaces will double as screens, we will have Heads Up Displays (HUD’s) built into glasses or indeed into the equivalent of contact lenses. Think that is way off. Check out this article from back in 2016 – Samsung to put Augmented Reality video and camera in our eyes

It was only at patent stage but still food for thought right?!!

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