What is 2 Step Verification ?

Firstly 2 step verification is not new and has been around for a number of years. Most, if not all of the major social media platforms like FacebookTwitter, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp have a feature within their account security features called 2 Step Verification or Two Factor Authentication.

In a nutshell – when you enable both parts on your account you add an extra layer of necessary security.

So when you sign in or login to an account (the first part of 2 part verification) this is normally your password.  Then once you’ve done that a code is sent to you. Usually this is on your Smartpone (as you nearly always have that with you)  and you enter that code into the site you are logging into. Some of you may be familiar with this with your credit card transactions?

How do I set it up?

It differs – depending on the website or social media platform you are trying to enable it on. For the most part, it should be available within your account. The idea is, once you have it set up, if you – or anyone else signs into or tries to access your account from another PC or device which it doesn’t recognize, you will be sent a unique code which will allow you to login.

Anyone with a gmail account will also have experienced this when logging in to an account on a new device. Google sends you an email letting you know that someone logged in, or tried to login, with your details. Apple do this as well when you have multiple devices. They want to ensure that it is you logging in and not someone trying to steal your identity or personal details.

What if I don’t have a Smartphone?

Not too many people fall into this category these days. But if you don’t own a Smartphone or mobile phone you can still use 2 Step Verification via alternative methods such as email or voice call.

What are the benefits of 2 Step Verification?

Safety online should be a primary concern and we want to do everything we can to protect is. If you aren’t convinced just Google ‘recent data breaches’ and see how they are on the rise, particularly for the Under 21’s. Today it is necessary to take proactive steps to help keep our accounts as secure as possible and protect our personal information. Hackers, for example, who have somehow managed to get your login name and password still can’t get access to the account unless they’ve got your phone as well.

Now don’t go thinking that 2 Step Verification is bulletproof. It just makes life harder for hackers and online criminals to breach your account. And like many things in this digital life we lead, a lot of scenarios appear through opportunity. We liken it to the car thief trying door handles in the car park hoping that one is open. They move from car to car and just the simple act of locking it could prevent you being the victim. 2 step verification is like locking your car or house, it just makes it harder for would be criminals to get to your information or accounts.

Our UK and Ireland founder Wayne Denner has put together this handy short video on the subject of 2 step verification.

For more useful information on cybersafety, cyberbullying and how to manage your online reputation check out our blog here – www.beattheycyberbully.ae/blog 

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